Button Properties

Listed below are the Properties of the Button item as seen in the Properties grid.


Background Color The Color for the Background of this item.
Background Image — Default The Background Image to use by default.
Background Image — Layout How the Background Image will fill in the background.
  • Uniform — The image maintains its aspect ratio and stretches until it fills to either the horizontal or vertical edge of the Button.
  • Fill — The image will stretch or shrink horizontally and vertically to fill to the corners of the Button.
  • Uniform to Fill — The image will maintain its original aspect ratio and stretches until it fills to the corners of the Button.
  • None — The image does not stretch to fit the dimensions of the Button, it stays its original size.
Background Image — On Click The Background Image to use when being clicked.
Border Color The color of the border on the item.
Border Thickness How thick in pixels the border is. If required, contained content is clipped to fit within the defined border.
Caption A label for the asset.
Corner Radius This determines how rounded or sharp the corners of the item are. The higher the value, the more rounded they are.
Drop ShadowBlur Radius How far the drop shadow will fade out from the item in pixels.
Drop Shadow — Color The Color of this item's Drop Shadow.
Drop ShadowShadow Depth How far in pixels the drop shadow extends from the item.
Drop Shadow — Opacity The opacity of the Drop Shadow. The lower the value, the more transparent it appears. The higher the value, the more opaque it is.
Flash Color The Color to use when flashing the Button.
Font Name The name of the font to use for the caption.
Font Size The size of the text for the caption.
Is Bold Whether the text is bold (checked) or not (unchecked).
Is Italic Whether the text is italicized (checked) or not (unchecked).
Line Spacing How far apart to place the lines of text on the caption.
Strikethrough Check this box to add a strikethrough to the caption text.
Text Alignment The alignment of the caption text.
Text Color The color of the caption's text.
Underlined Check this box to underline the caption text.
On Click Color The Color of the background when being clicked.
Visible Whether the item is Visible (checked) or not (unchecked).


Action The On Click Action configured.
On Click Click the Action Browser button to set an action to execute when clicked. You can leave this undefined if you want this Button to trigger a Workflow instead.


Description A short Description of this item.
ID The unique identifier for this item.


Height The vertical length of the item in pixels.
Width The horizontal length of the item in pixels.
X The position on the x-axis where the item is located on the canvas.
Y The position on the y-axis where the item is located on the canvas.