List of Workflow Commands

Commands available in Workflows are listed below. These are configured via the Action block.

Commands specific to integrated systems can be viewed in the system plug-in page. Commands for a Display Layout Item can be viewed on its page.


Command Parameters Description
Reset All Alarms Resets All Alarms back to their default state.
Acknowledge All Alarms Sets all Alarms into an Acknowledged state.
Jump to Highest Priority Alarm Moves to where the Highest Priority Alarm is located.
Jump to Highest Priority Alarm (Without Command Panel) This functions the same as Jump to Highest Priority Alarm, except the command panel for the asset which we jump to will not be displayed.
Silence All Alarms Turns off sound for all active Alarms.
Silence Current Alarms Alarm Priority — The Priority of the Alarms to silence. Turns of the sound for a specific set of active Alarms.
Set Alarm Postings

Posting Names — The Names of the Alarm Postings to set.

Set the selected Alarm Postings to be active on this Workstation.
Add Alarm Postings

Posting Names — The Names of the Alarm Postings to added.

Add the selected Alarm Postings to this Workstations assigned Postings.
Remove Alarm Postings

Posting Names — The Names of the Alarm Postings to removed.

Remove the selected Alarm Postings from this Workstations assigned Postings.
Set Asset Postings

Asset Id — The Id of the Asset to add to the Alarm Postings.

Posting Names — The Names of the Alarm Postings to have the asset added.

Adds an Asset to one or more Alarm Postings.

Display Layout

Command Parameters Description
Deselect All Deselects All selected assets.
Select Assets Assets To Select — The IDs of the Assets to be selected. Selects a specific set of Assets. If one of the assets listed is in an alarmed status, selection will not occur.
Note: If this command is executed twice, the second selection will not deselect the asset. It will instead remain selected.
Warning: If the asset being selected is not visible on a Map, the selection will still occur.


Command Parameters Description
Change View Language Language Name — The Name of the Language to use. Changes the Language used to view Runtime.
Change Logging Language Language Name — The Name of the Language to use. Changes the Language used to write to the logs.


Command Parameters Description
Write to Activity Log

Command or Status — Whether this entry describes a Command or Status.

Action — Description of the Action taken.

Location — Where this event occurred.

Extended Columns — Further information about the event.

Values — The Values which were changed in this event.

Write an entry into the Activity Log.
Set Log State

Integrated System Identifier — The ID of the Integrated System.

Command or Status — Whether this is for a Command or Status.

State — The Log State. This can be True or False.

Sets the Log State for an integrated system's commands or statuses.


Command Parameters Description
Navigate To Map — The Map to Navigate To. Changes the Map which is currently displayed.
Navigate Map Container

Map — The Map to Navigate to.

Container — The Map Container to change the navigation on.

Changes the currently displayed Map for a specified Map Container.


Command Parameters Description

Tag Name — The Name of the Tag to write to.

Value to Write — The Value to Write to the tag.

Writes data to an OPC tag.

Sound Service

Command Parameters Description

Sound Resource — The Sound file to be played.

Alarm Priority — The Priority of Alarms which will play the specified sound.

Sets a sound to be played for alarms of a specified priority. This will play on the windows default playback device.

Sound Resource — The Sound file to be played.

Alarm Priority — The Priority of Alarms which will play the specified sound.

Sound Device Name — The playback Device to play the Sound on.

Sets a sound to be played for alarms of a specified priority on a particular device.
Play Loop

Sound Resource — The Sound file to be played.

Alarm Priority — The Priority of Alarms which will play the specified sound.

Plays a sound on repeat for alarms of a specified priority. This sound will play until stopped on the default windows playback device.
Play Loop

Sound Resource — The Sound file to be played.

Alarm Priority — The Priority of Alarms which will play the specified sound.

Sound Device Name — The playback Device to play the Sound on.

Plays a sound on repeat for alarms of a specified priority on a particular device. This sound will play until stopped.
Stop Stops playback of sound on the windows default playback device.

Sound Device Name — The playback Device to play the Sound on.

Stops playback of sound on the specified device.
Mute Mutes all currently playing sounds on all playback devices.
Unmute Unmutes all currently playing sounds on all playback devices.

User Security

Command Parameters Description
Logout Logs out the currently signed in user.

Workstation Management

Command Parameters Description
Disable Workstation Workstation — The Workstation to disable. Disables a Workstation so it can not be used.
Warning: Once a Workstation is disabled there is no way to re-enable it other than issuing an enable command to it.
Disable Workstation

Workstation — The Workstation to disable.

Image File Path — The Image to display on the disabled Workstation.

Disabled a Workstation so it can not be used.
Warning: Once a Workstation is disabled there is no way to re-enable it other than issuing an enable command to it.
Enable Workstation Workstation — The Workstation to enable. Enables a disabled Workstation so it may be used again.