Getting Started


The below software is copyright of IPFusion, a division of Delco Automation Inc:
  • IPFusion Runtime Application
  • IPFusion Designer Application
  • VideoFusion Application
  • Debug Tools Application
  • Simulation Client Application
  • Reporting Application
  • OPC Tag Database Manager Application
  • IPFusion Publication Service
  • IPFusion Event Router Service
  • Logging Server and Client Services
  • API Service
  • All Supported Plugins available in the Integrated System Pick list

To see what is new in this release of IPFusion, see the release notes.

Install IPFusion

IPFusion must be installed on all Workstations which you want to run Runtime or Designer on. To install IPFusion:

  1. Download the installer.
  2. Unzip the file and run Setup.exe.
  3. Select all of the software you wish to install on this machine.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Once the installation is complete, you may close the installer.

License IPFusion

To get started using IPFusion, you will first need to obtain a license for the software.

Project Creation

Once you have installed IPFusion, you can launch Designer to start creating your projects. Designer includes two starter projects which you can use as a template for your own setup. You can learn more about these projects in the Starter Projects page.