Web Browser Properties

Listed below are the Properties of the Web Browser Display Layout item.


Border Color The color of the border on the item.
Border Thickness How thick in pixels the border is. If required, contained content is clipped to fit within the defined border.
Corner Radius This determines how rounded or sharp the corners of the item are. The higher the value, the more rounded they are.
Header — Background Color The Color for the Background of the header for this item.
Header — Caption The text value for the Header.
Header — Font Name The name of the font to use for the caption.
Header — Font Size The size of the text for the caption.
Header — Is Bold Whether the text is boldfaced (checked) or not (unchecked).
Header — Is Italic Whether the text is italicized (checked) or not (unchecked).
Header — Line Spacing How far apart to place the lines of text on the caption.
Header — Strikethrough Check this box to add a strikethrough to the caption text.
Header — Text Alignment The alignment of the caption text.
Header — Text Color The color of the caption's text.
Header — Underlined Check this box to underline the caption text.
Header — Header Visibility Whether the header is visible (checked) or not (unchecked).
Header — Height The Height of the header in pixels.
Visible Whether the item is Visible (checked) or not (unchecked).


Description A short Description of this item.
ID The unique identifier for this item.


Height The vertical length of the item in pixels.
Width The horizontal length of the item in pixels.
X The position on the x-axis where the item is located on the canvas.
Y The position on the y-axis where the item is located on the canvas.

Web Browser

Enable JavaScript Check this box to allow JavaScript to be executed.
Home Page Sets the page which initially loads in the browser. The default is https://ipfusion.ca.
Show Address Bar Check this to display the address bar. This allows the user to go back and forward on pages, as well as enter in a URL.