Interactive Workflow Properties

Cancel Button

Action The Action taken when the Cancel Button is clicked. This can be set to:
  • Terminate Workflow — Stops the Workflow and removes it from the queue.
  • Deselect Assets and Terminate — Deselects all assets, stops the Workflow and removes it from the queue.
  • Hidden — The Cancel Button is not shown to the operator. This will prevent them from being able to cancel the Workflow in Runtime.
Caption The text which will appear on the Cancel Button in Runtime.
Background Color The Background Color of the button.
Drop Shadow — Blur Radius How far out the Drop Shadow will be blurred out from the button in pixels.
Drop Shadow — Color The Color of the button's Drop Shadow.
Drop Shadow — Depth The Depth of the Drop Shadow for the button in pixels.
Drop Shadow — Opacity The Opacity of the button's Drop Shadow. Zero is completely transparent, one hundred is completely opaque.
Corner Radius How rounded the edges of the button are. The higher this value, the rounder the edges.
Border Thickness How thick the button's Border is in pixels.
Border Color The Color of the button's Border.
Image The background Image for the button.
Flash Whether the button will Flash between two colors.
Flash Color If Flash is enabled, the button will flash between its Background Color and this Color.
Flash Text Color If Flash is enabled, the button's text will flash between its default Color and this one.
On Click Color The background Color of the button while it is being clicked.
On Click Image The background Image of the button while it is being clicked.
Enable Activity Logging Check this option to log the activity from this Workflow.
Font Name The name of the font to use for the caption.
Font Size The size of the text for the caption.
Font Style Styling to be applied to the caption text.
Line Spacing How far apart to place the lines of text on the caption.
Strikethrough Check this box to add a strikethrough to the caption text.
Text Alignment The alignment of the caption text.
Text Color The color of the caption's text.
Underlined Check this box to underline the caption text.


Assign Workflow Click the ellipsis (...) button to assign this Workflow to specific Workstations. You can also Enable Single Workstation Execution from here.
Action on Preempt This determines when the Workflow is run from the queue. It can be set to:
  • Save State — Automatically remove this Workflow from the queue when it completes, and start the next priority Workflows.
  • Terminate — The queue will either terminate or show the Workflow depending on its priority.
Display Style A preview of the next and previous steps in the Workflow can be displayed. This may be set to:
  • Preview Next Step — Displays the current and next steps, with the current step highlighted.
  • See All Steps — Displays all steps, with the current step highlighted.
  • See Only Current Step — Only displays the current step.
Note: If there is a block with multiple exit paths (e.g., a Decision block), the steps after it will not be displayed until after that step has been completed.
Enabled Check this option to Enable this Workflow to be executed in Runtime. Uncheck this to disable it.
Execution Priority The Priority determining when this Workflow should be run before or after others. The smaller the value, the higher its Priority in the queue.
Function Panel The Function Panel this displays in. If set to Default it will display in the first available function panel.
Name The Name of the Workflow.
Runtime Title The Title which will be displayed on the Popup or Function Panel the Workflow is displayed in.
Triggers Click the ellipsis (...) button to select events to Trigger the start of this Workflow.
Unique Identifier A text string which uniquely identifies this Workflow.