Map Container Properties

The Properties of the Map Container as seen in the Properties grid are listed below.


Background Color The Color for the Background of this item.
Border Color The color of the border on the item.
Border Thickness How thick in pixels the border is. If required, contained content is clipped to fit within the defined border.
Corner Radius This determines how rounded or sharp the corners of the item are. The higher the value, the more rounded they are.
Visible Whether the item is Visible (checked) or not (unchecked).


Startup Maps Click the ellipsis (...) button to configure which Maps display on specific Workstations when the Display Layout is opened.
Description A short Description of this item.
ID The unique identifier for this item.


Disable touch in Runtime Check this option to stop an operator from being able to touch this asset in Runtime.
Display Icon The icon displayed for this asset.
Drop ShadowBlur Radius How far the drop shadow will fade out from the item in pixels.
Drop ShadowCaption Shadow Blur Radius How far the drop shadow will fade our from the caption in pixels.
Drop ShadowCaption Shadow Color The color of the caption's drop shadow.
Drop ShadowCaption Shadow Depth How far in pixels the drop shadow extends from the caption.
Drop ShadowCaption Shadow Opacity The opacity of the caption. The lower the value, the more transparent it appears. The higher the value, the more opaque it is.
Drop ShadowShadow Depth How far in pixels the drop shadow extends from the item.
Height The vertical height of the item in pixels.
Icon Touch Area The size of the area relative to the icon's size which can be touched to select that icon.
Rotation Angle The angle at which the item is rotated.
Select Border Width The width of the border (in pixels) which appears when the asset is selected.
Width The horizontal length of the item in pixels.
X The position on the x-axis where the item is located on the canvas.
Y The position on the y-axis where the item is located on the canvas.