Map Properties

The Properties of Maps are listed below.


Background Color The color of the Map background.
Display How the background image will fill in the background.
  • Uniform — The image maintains it's aspect ratio and stretches until it fills to either the horizontal or vertial edge of the Map.
  • Fill — The image will strech or shrink horizontally and vertically to fill to the corners of the Map.
  • Uniform to Fill — The image will maintain it's original aspect ratio and stretches until it fills to the corners of the Map.
  • None — The image does not stretch to fit the dimensions of the Map, it stays it's original size.
Image Horizontal Alignment How the background image is aligned horizontally. If the image does not fit the exact dimensions of the Map, it can be set to align to the Left, Center, or Right of the Map.
Image Vertical Alignment How the background image is aligned vertically. If the image does not fit the exact dimensions of the Map, it can be set to align to the Top, Center, or Bottom of the Map.
Select a file Click the ellipsis (...) button to select a file to use as the background image.


ID The unique identifier for the Map.
Navigation Button Caption The text which will appear on the button for this Map on Navigation Items.
Title The text which will display for this Map on a Map Title item.


Height The horizontal length of the Map in pixels. It is recommended to set this to the size of the background image being used.
Width The vertical length of the Map in pixels. It is recommended to set this to the size of the background image being used.