Change IPFusion Logging Messages

IPFusion logs can be configured to log to a custom location and only log certain messages. This can be updated for both the Runtime and Designer applications.

Change Runtime Logging Configuration

The logging specific for the Runtime application can be changed. This includes the types of log messages (warnings, errors, etc) and whether or not logging for certain items (such as Workflows) are enabled. These logs can be used later for troubleshooting purposes.

To change the logging configuration for Runtime:

  1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\IPFusion\IPFusion\Config and make a backup copy of the log4net.config file in case the changes made need to be reverted.
  2. Open the log4net.config file in a text editor. Be sure to launch the editor as Administrator.
  3. There are different appender elements used. Each appender generates different logs. Navigate to the one you wish to change out of the below:
    • MainAppender — Generates the main logging file for Runtime.
    • WorkflowAppender — Generates the logging file for Workflows.
    • IntegratedSystemAppender — Generates a logging file for integrated systems.
    • UVSAppender — Generates a logging file for the AiristaFlow RTLS system.
    • NetworkEventRouter — Generates a logging file for the event router service.
    • NetworkEventRouterError — Generates a logging file for errors in the event router service.
  4. Each appender has the below elements which can be updated:
    • File — The value may be updated to a different path to change where the logs for this appender are generated.
    • Filter — Set the AcceptOnMatch to true to enable logging for the specific filter. Different filters include:
      • Delco.Workflows — Controls whether Workflows are logged by the appender.
      • Delco.Dish.Plugins — Controls whether integrated systems are logged by the appender.
      • Delco.Dish.Plugins.AiristaFlowUVS — Controls whether the AiristaFlow RTLS system is logged by the appender.
      • Delco.Dish.NetworkEventRouter — Controls whether the event router service is logged by this appender.
  5. To adjust the types of log messages generated, navigate to the root element. Change the level value to one of the following:
    • OFF — No logs are generated.
    • DEBUG — Only debugging messages are logged.
    • INFO — Only informational messages are logged.
    • WARN — Only warning messages are logged.
    • ERROR — Only error messages are logged.
    • FATAL — Only fatal error messages are logged.
    • ALL — Messages of all types are logged.
After editing the log4net.config file, restart Runtime. If the Runtime application is no longer logging when an option other than OFF is configured for the level, there is an issue with the configuration of your log4net file. Contact IPFusion support for further assistance.

Change Designer Logging Configuration

The logging specific to the Designer application can be modified. This includes the location the log file is generated at and which types of messages are logged.

To make changes to the Designer logging configuration:

  1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\IPFusion\IPFusion\Config and make a backup of the log4net_designer.config file in case the changes made need to be reverted.
  2. Open the log4net_designer.config file in a text editor. Be sure to open the text editor as Administrator.
  3. To change where Designer logs are generated, change the file value to the new path.
  4. To change which type of logs are generated, change the level value to be one of the following:
    • OFF — No logs are generated.
    • DEBUG — Only debugging messages are logged.
    • INFO — Only informational messages are logged.
    • WARN — Only warning messages are logged.
    • ERROR — Only error messages are logged.
    • FATAL — Only fatal error messages are logged.
    • ALL — Messages of all types are logged.
After editing the log4net_designer.config file, restart Designer. If the Designer application is no longer logging when an option other than OFF is configured for the level, there is an issue with the configuration of your log4net_designer file. Contact IPFusion support for further assistance.