
A Workflow is used to execute a process. This can be a standard operating procedure, automating system actions, and more. There are two types of Workflows: Interactive and Background.

Workflows always start with the Start block and must end with the Finish block. Designing Workflows is a matter of dragging and dropping blocks into a work area and connecting them. The blocks can be configured to complete specific actions and make decisions between multiple paths.

Interactive Workflows

A step-by-step process that, when triggered, is displayed to the operator. This can be used to walk an operator through a scenario, provide them visual information, and to receive their input to determine what to do.

Important: Interactive Workflows can not be executed when using Runtime as a service as it will not be able to display visual elements.

Background Workflows

When triggered, the processes will not be visual to the operator. These will run in the Background and cannot display elements the same way an Interactive Workflow can. These are best for processes which do not require end-user intervention.