Add Workstation

You can add Workstations in Designer. At least one Workstation is required for a Runtime deployment. Workstations are associated with items such as Display Layouts, Workflow execution, Map selection, navigation options, and more.

In order to add a Workstation, you will just need that device's network IP address or DNS host name.
  1. In Project Explorer, right-click Workstations. Click Add.
  2. In the Properties grid, enter a Description.
  3. Enter the network address in the Network Event Router Host Address field. This allows Workstations to communicate information across the network.
    Note: Ensure the address used is not the same between Workstations, including host names which resolve to the same IP address. This can cause issues with publication.

Once the Workstation has been added, it can be edited, duplicated, or removed by right-clicking it in Project Explorer and selecting the appropriate option.