IPFusion OPC Design

In Designer, OPC Tag assets use four key properties that need to be applied to each asset:

  1. Command Tag
  2. Command Table
  3. Status Tag
  4. Status Table

The Command Tag is a single PLC Tag, often part of an array, that Runtime will write a command value to when the user issues a command to this asset. The Command Table is a defined list of what commands are available to the user, and what value each will issue when used — effectively a lookup table.

The Status Tag is a single PLC Tag, often part of an array, that specifies the Tag that Runtime will read from. The Status Table is a defined list of values and what state each value represents — effectively a lookup table for color and visibility. Runtime automatically reads the Tag value and assigns state based on the tag value and the table definitions.

Note: Tags and Tables can be assigned in bulk and imported using the CSV import tools within Designer. For more on Import/Export see Import/Export assets.