Create a Background

Before you can load a background image into Designer, it must first be created. This tutorial uses Inkscape to draw the background.

Before you start drawing your background, you will need:

  • Inkscape installed
  • Knowledge of how large the Map Container will be
  • Floor plans of the area you are drawing
Tip: Do not import images directly from PDF

For each trace image used, we will be creating four layers:

  • Trace Layer — The image we are tracing
  • Border Layer — The outside wall for the area traced
  • Traced Layer — Interior rooms
  • Traced Lines Layer — Any lines that are not part of one of the above layers

To start creating your background, follow the below steps.

  1. Import and layer the trace images to ensure they line up for proper scaling.
    1. Click File > Import... and select the image to import.
    2. If you are adding multiple trace images, add a new layer for each by clicking Layer > Add Layer.
    3. Line up the images to ensure proper scaling.
  2. Create the border layer.
    1. Click Layer > Add Layer.
    2. Enter the Layer Name and select Above Current from the Position drop-down. Press Shift+Ctrl+L to display the layers.
    3. Using the Bezier Curve tool (Shift + F6), draw the outside walls of the trace layer.
      Note: Most lines drawn will be in 15° increments. Hold the Ctrl key to lock this setting.
    4. Press Shift+Ctrl+F, then go to the Stroke Style tab. Set stroke style to three pixels.
    5. Lock the border layer by clicking the lock icon.
  3. Create the traced layer.
    1. Click Layer > Add Layer.
    2. Enter the Layer Name and select Above Current from the Position drop-down. Press Shift+Ctrl+L to display the layers.
    3. Enable Snap to Paths, Snap to Path Intersections, and Snap to Cusp Nodes.
    4. Draw squares for each room, trying to match the lines of the trace image. Start with rooms first, then corridors.
      Note: Use 90° angles where possible.
  4. Add any further required lines to the traced lines layer.
  5. Select all paths from your traced layers (press Ctrl+A) and check the following:
    • All lines are three pixels
    • Set stroke paint (color for lines)
    • Set fill paint (for inside the border layer)
    Tip: Use a dark tone for non-walking areas (such as rooms) and a light tone for the corridors.
  6. Export the image.
    1. Hide the trace layer by clicking they eye icon.
    2. Select every path (lines)
    3. Click File > Export PNG Image...
    4. Set the desired Width and Height for your image.
    5. Click Export.

Once you have created your image, it must be added to your Map.