Search Syntax

Operations can be applied to searches in Project Explorer, Project Assets, and the Properties grid in Designer. These operations allow you to specify exactly what you are searching for in these areas.

Single Keyword

Using a single keyword will search for all entries that contain that word in any column.

Multiple Keywords

Using multiple keywords without any other operators will search for any of the words contained in any of the columns. For example, if you search for OPC and Tag, any entry containing either OPC or the word Tag appear in the results.

Quotation Marks

To search for a specific string which contains a space, surround it with quotation marks. This will search as if it were a single keyword, rather than multiple.

Column Search

In search areas where there are multiple columns of data, specify the column name then use a colon to separate from the keywords to search for. This will search only that column for those keywords.

AND Search

To search for multiple keywords together, precede the keyword with a +. This searches across all columns for records containing all of the keywords using this operator.

Exclude Keyword

To exclude a specific keyword from your results, precede it with a -.