Update Alarm Postings in a Workflow

Alarm Postings can be updated within a Workflow by issuing commands in the Action block. This can be used to ensure that Alarms posted on certain Workstations can be posted on another if required. For example, if there are Workstations on the east and west halves of a building, each handling their own alarms, the alarms could only be posted on their respective Workstation. If one were to be unattended for some reason, those Postings could temporarily be sent to the other instead.

Before you can update an Alarm Posting through a Workflow, it must be created first. If it already exists, you may edit it.

Once you have your Workflow open, follow the steps below.

  1. Drag and drop an Action block into the work area from the Toolbox.
  2. Connect the Action block to the previous and next blocks in the Workflow.
  3. Double-click the Action block to open the Action Browser.
  4. Select the Alarms Object.
  5. Choose one of the below Commands.
    Command Parameters Description
    Set Alarm Postings

    Posting Names — The Names of the Alarm Postings to set. Click the parameter to either select them from a list, or click Advanced to set this parameter from a Property.

    Set the selected Alarm Postings to be active on this Workstation.
    Add Alarm Postings

    Posting Names — The Names of the Alarm Postings to added. Click the parameter to either select them from a list, or click Advanced to set this parameter from a Property.

    Add the selected Alarm Postings to this Workstations assigned Postings.
    Remove Alarm Postings

    Posting Names — The Names of the Alarm Postings to removed. Click the parameter to either select them from a list, or click Advanced to set this parameter from a Property.

    Remove the selected Alarm Postings from this Workstations assigned Postings.
    Set Asset Postings

    Asset Id — The Id of the Asset to add to the Alarm Postings.

    Posting Names — The Names of the Alarm Postings to have the asset added. Click the parameter to either select them from a list, or click Advanced to set this parameter from a Property.

    Adds an Asset to one or more Alarm Postings.
  6. Click OK.