Add New Workflow

In Designer, you can create Workflows to complete procedures in Runtime. There are two types of Workflows: Interactive and Background.

Table 1. Interactive vs Background Workflows
Interactive A Workflow that has the ability to display items to the operator in Runtime. The Workflow blocks available for only Interactive Workflows are:
  • Decision
  • Display
  • File
Background A Workflow that does not display items to the operator. This type of Workflow runs in the background instead.
  1. To add a new Workflow, go to Project Explorer > Workflows. Right-click either:
    • Interactive Workflows
    • Background Workflows
  2. Click Add.
  3. Edit the Workflow Properties to customize how the Workflow runs:

Once you have configured your Workflow, you can start adding blocks from the Toolbox to build the process it will be running.

Note: The Workflow will display its status using the Workflow icon color in the Project Explorer:
  • Green — The Workflow is valid and enabled
  • Red — The Workflow is valid and disabled
  • Yellow — The Workflow is invalid

In order for a Workflow to be valid, all blocks must be connected and there must not be any infinite loops. An invalid Workflow cannot be enabled.