Security Privileges

Privileges are assigned to Groups to restrict a set of Users access in Designer and Runtime. In order for a User to be assigned Privileges, it must first be added to a Group.

Note: The Administrators group has Allow for all Privileges. If a User is assigned both to the Administrator group and another group, and a permission is not set, Allow will be used.
Permission Description
Designer Whether a User can View or Edit a project in Designer. This can be used to stop unauthorized users from editing projects.
Note: If a user has Edit allowed, but not View, they will be unable to open the project. You will need to ensure any user you want to be able to make changes to the project also has the View privilege.
Display Layout Access to the items within a Display Layout. These are to control and view the items. This can be used to top users from interacting with Display Layout items you do not want them to have control over. They may be allowed to still view the information displayed by that item if desired.
Integrated Systems Access to the assets within each integrated system. This can be used to deny specific users the ability to select or view assets. This allows you to only allow access to assets which are relevant to that user.
Maps Whether a User can View each Map. While Maps can be excluded from the Navigation Item, there are other ways a user can be navigated to a Map (such as selecting an asset from the Alarm Grid, or Workflows). This prevents navigation from those other methods.
Security Whether a User can access Security Manager, as well as Logout. This will prevent unauthorized users from changing project security settings.