Runtime Restart on Publish

Publishing changes to a project causes Runtime to restart in certain cases. Others, it can update without restarting the Runtime. Listed below are the changes which can be made, and whether they cause a Runtime restart.

Display Layout

Change Causes Runtime Restart
Adding new Display Layout Item
Add Display Layout
Update Display Layout
Delete Display Layout

Drawing Objects

Change Causes Runtime Restart
Drawing Object added to Map
Drawing Object added to Display Layout
Drawing Object added to Custom Command Layout
PGP Change where image is imported
Other PGP Change

Integrated Systems

Change Causes Runtime Restart
Add Integrated System
Edit Integrated System
Duplicate Integrated System
Delete Integrated System
Asset location or icon change in PGP
Other PGP change
Paste a copy of existing asset
Update Caption of Asset on Map
Update Logging Description of Asset


Change Causes Runtime Restart
Add Map
Update Map
Duplicate Map
Delete Map


Change Causes Runtime Restart
Project-level Resource Added
Project-level Resource Updated
Project-level Resource Deleted


Change Causes Runtime Restart
Adding Workflow
Edit existing Workflow
Delete Workflow


Change Causes Runtime Restart
Adding Workstation
Update Workstation
Delete Workstation