Configure a Location Surface

The location surface map item is used to display the location of an RTLS tag based on its X/Y coordinates within a specified area. It can be configured to display contained tags on a map.

To configure the location surface:
  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the map you wish to have the location surface on and select Edit.
  2. In the Toolbox, drag and drop a Location Surface onto the map.
  3. Configure the location surface Properties:
    Height The vertical height of the item in pixels.
    Rotation Angle The angle at which the item is rotated.
    Width The horizontal length of the item in pixels.
    X The position on the x-axis where the item is located on the canvas.
    Y The position on the y-axis where the item is located on the canvas.
    Item ID The unique identifier for this item.
    Identifier The ID for the area this location surface represents.
    Indicator Size How large the indicator is in pixels.
    Runtime Opacity How opaque the location surface item appears in Runtime ranging from 50-80%. The higher this value, the more opaque it appears.
    Note: The image used for the tag indicator is configured in the integrated system settings.

Once you have set up your location surface, you need to configure the tag visuals within the integrated system.