Data Columns

The columns listed below are available to view information from in the Debug Tools live data area.

Note: Click the + icon next to the row to expand it and view additional information.
Id The unique identifier for the event.
Event Time The date and time when the event took place.
Received Time The date and time for when the event was received by Debug Tools.
User The user logged in to the Workstation where the event took place.
Source Address The network address of the Workstation the event was retrieved from.
Computer The name of the computer the event was retrieved from.
Source Description The software the event took place in (e.g., Runtime).
Source Type The type of software which generated the event (e.g., Application).
Event Type The type of event which tool place (e.g., Health Status).
Auxiliary 1 Data from first auxiliary port.
Auxiliary 2 Data from second auxiliary port.
Message The logging or debugging message describing the event.