Import Active Directory Users/Groups

Users from Windows Active Directory can be used to log in to Designer and Runtime. First, they must be imported.

Before you can import an Active Directory user or group, go to Security Manager > General and ensure the Security Provider is set to Active Directory.

Important: The Designer and Runtime Workstations using this feature must be joined to Active Directory.

To import an Active Directory user or group:

  1. In Security Manager, go to Users/Groups > Security Groups.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the Description and whether the group is Disabled. The Name will be overwritten during the import.
  4. Click Import.
  5. Select the Object Type to be imported. The default is Groups.
  6. Click Locations... to select where the group is located in Active Directory.
  7. If you know the name of the user or group, enter it and click Check Names to verify.
  8. To search for a user or group, click Advanced.
    1. Enter the Name of the user or group and select whether the entered text Starts with or Is exactly the entered text. Leave blank if you are not searching by name.
    2. Enter the Description of the user or group and whether the entered text Starts with or Is exactly the entered text. Leave blank if you are not searching by description.
    3. Check Disabled accounts to include them in the search results.
    4. Check Non expiring password to include those accounts in the search results.
    5. Enter in the maximum number of Days since last logon to limit the search to more recently logged in users.
    6. Click Find Now and select the your users and groups from the search results to be added. Click OK.
  9. Click OK.

When the user logs into Runtime, they can either enter their Active Directory login information with the username in the format DOMAIN\username. To log in as the currently logged in Windows user, check Use Windows User.