IPFusion Licensing

All instances of Runtime will require a license to be run. While Designer does not require a license, it is recommended to prevent warnings. Ensure that licenses are acquired for each Workstation you want to run Runtime.

Before starting, generate a License Request key file from the License Manager utility that is installed with IPFusion. This will need to be completed on each Workstation that will run IPFusion. You can view your licenses on the Partner Portal Licenses page.
Licensing is dependent on three factors:
  • The number of integrated systems installed.
  • The number of Workstations that will run Runtime.
  • The number of assets (integrated system devices) that will be connected.
In this example, we will be requesting licenses for an IPFusion installation for the town of Springfield's City Hall, purchased through Acme Corp. This example will show the information Acme Corp. will provide for the licenses.
  1. Go to the License Request form found on the IPFusion Partner Portal.
  2. In the End User section, fill in the information for the organization who will be using the IPFusion installation.
    • Name — The name of the organization who is using the IPFusion installation. In this case, the Municipality of Springfield.
    • Site — The location where the IPFusion installation will be. This can be an address or institutional name. In this case, City Hall.
    • Contact Name — The name of your project manager for the site. In this case, Bill Smith will be the person from City Hall managing the IPFusion project.
    • Contact Phone — The phone number for the institution. It is usually recommended to use the institution's main line. They will use the main line for City Hall.
    • Contact Note — Further information for the contact. For example, they may leave alternative contact information.
  3. In the Partner section, fill in the following:
    • Partner Name — The reseller for this IPFusion installation. In this case, the Municipality of Springfield purchased the IPFusion software through Acme Corp.
    • Project Number — The partner will have a number specific to the project.
    • Purchase Order — The partner will have a purchase order for the project.
    • Partner Note — Any further information about the partner. In this case, they will enter which office the order was placed from.
  4. Fill in the IPFusion Use section with the following:
    • Number of Assets — The maximum number of integrated system devices to be used. City Hall has 200 devices they would like to connect to IPFusion, so they will enter 256.
    • Check all integrated systems that you intend to use for the project.
    • If there are systems you need to license which are not in the list, set Other Systems for the rest.
  5. In License Type, select the Key Type.
    • Hardware — A physical USB key will be mailed with the license for the Workstations. This does not require keyreq files to create. They can be used on any machine.
    • Software — A digital license. This type will require a keyreq file for each Workstation. The generated key can only be used on the machine the keyreq file was generated on.
  6. Click the End User License Agreement link to view the agreement. To complete the license submission, accept the license agreement and click Submit.

The license keys will be approved within 72 hours. If your licenses are the software type, open your license request submission and download the licenses. If they are the hardware type, your keys will be sent in the mail on a USB drive.