Default Statistical Report

The Default Statistical Report displays the number of occurrences of similar events during project usage.

There are two types of filters: General and Date and Time.

General Filters

The General Filters are used to select which pieces of information you are looking for.

Statistical Expression An expression for which data will be searched by. Click the ellipsis button (...) to edit this expression. Conditions can be added, removed, and edited. Click the part of the condition to change it.
Group Results By Select the column to group the report's results by.
Report Columns This displays the current columns for the report. To add or remove columns, edit the Statistical Expression.

Date and Time Filters

Reports can be filtered based on the Date and Time for which the events take place. You can use a custom preconfigured setting, or a specific start and end date.

Custom Use a preconfigured time frame. This includes:
  • Current Week
  • Last Week
  • Current Month
  • Last Month
  • Current Year
  • Last Year
  • Today
  • Last Hour
Start Date The date and time from when to start pulling information from the logs.
End Date The date and time from when to stop pulling information from the logs.

Reading the Default Statistical Report

The Default Statistical Report will display the information in a table. This table be default has two columns:

Action The command, system event, or user action taken in Runtime.
Occurrences The number of times the Action occurred within the specified time frame.