Generate a Report

All logs created by Workstations are grouped into reports. Reports can be added or edited to filter out logs and data based on your needs. These can then be generated for review, printed, or saved as a file.

To generate a report, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Reports pane, select the report to generate.
  2. In the General pane you can select filters for the logs. The items available in the drop-downs are based on what exists in the database upon Reporting startup.
  3. In the Date and Time pane, select the time frame from which you want the logs to be from. This can either be one of the Custom options, or you can specify a specific Start and End Date.
  4. Click Generate.

The report will be generated and a preview of it will be displayed. From here, you can Save, Print, or Edit the document.

Note: A report will retrieve up to 1000 results.