On-Screen Keyboard

Runtime has a built-in on-screen keyboard which can be used in place of a physical keyboard. This does not require a touch screen, although it is compatible with one. It is used in Runtime for logging into a security-enabled project and for writing notes on assets. This keyboard includes multilingual characters to support both French and English languages.

Toggle Keyboard Visibility

The keyboard visibility can be toggled by clicking the keyboard icon. Keyboard icon

Using Multilingual Characters

Options for multilingual characters are displayed by clicking the globe icon. Globe icon

To create a character with an accent mark, click the accent aigu (´), accent grave (`), accent circonflexe (^), cédille (¸), or tréma (¨) then click the letter to apply it to.

Note: Character accents only apply to certain keys:
Accent Mark Eligible Letters Resulting Characters
Accent Aigu (´) E, e É, é
Accent Grave (`) A, a, E, e, U, u À, à, È, è, Ù, ù
Accent Circonflexe (^) A, a, E, e, I, i, O, o, U, u Â, â, Ê, ê, Î, î, Ô, ô, Û, û
Cédille (¸) C, c Ç, ç
Tréma (¨) E, e, I, i, U, u, Y, y Ë, ë, Ï, ï, Ü, ü, Ÿ, ÿ