Configure VideoFusion Appearance

The appearance on VideoFusion can be changed from the VideoFusion settings.

You will need VideoFusion installed and open on your Workstation.

To update the appearance of VideoFusion, follow the steps below.

  1. In VideoFusion, press F10.
  2. Click Appearance.
  3. Change any of the below settings to customize the appearance of VideoFusion.
    Table 1. Application
    Background Color The Color used in the Background behind the video tiles.
    Table 2. Video Pane
    Background Color The Background Color of the tile. This will be displayed behind the video stream.
    Border Color The Border Color of the video tiles.
    Border Thickness The Thickness of the video tile Borders in pixels.
    Corner Radius This value determines how rounded the corners of the video tiles are. The higher the value, the more rounded the corners.
    Show Camera Name Check this box to display the caption of the camera asset whose video is being streamed.
    Camera Title Font If Show Camera Name is checked, this is the name of the Font used for the camera caption.
    Caption Position If Show Camera Name is checked, this is where on the tile the camera's Caption is displayed. Choose from:
    • Top Center
    • Top Left
    • Top Right
    • Bottom Center
    • Bottom Left
    • Bottom Right