Assign a Polyline Shape to an Asset

The polyline shape can be assigned to certain integrated system assets. This shape provides a visual representation of the assigned asset and its status.

Before you can assign a polyline to an asset, you must have the asset already created in your project.

Note: Considerations when using this feature:
  • The polyline will only display asset status colors/hidden visuals — so if the status uses an image, the image will not be shown.
  • Only the filled in areas in a polyline shape are selectable in Runtime.
  • Caption is not displayed on polyline shape.
  • Only polylines which exist on a Map can be assigned to an asset.
  • The polyline will show the asset integrated system Properties when selected. It does not contain all of the properties of an asset icon.
  • Selection border and image do not appear for polyline.
  • Deleting the assigned asset or unassigning the shape from an asset will convert the polyline back into a regular shape.
  • If a polyline which is assigned to an asset is copied/pasted to anywhere other than a map, it will be reverted to a regular shape.

Polyline shapes can be assigned to assets for these integrated systems:

  • Actall ATLAS RTLS Zone assets
  • AiRISTA Flow RTLS Zone assets
  • CenTrak TruView Zone assets
  • IPFusion OPC Object assets
  • IPFusion SNMP Object assets
  • Quuppa ILS Zone Assets

To assign a polyline shape to an asset:

  1. Draw the polyline shape.
  2. In the Drawing pane, select the integrated system the asset belongs to.
    Selecting the integrated system the polyline shall be assigned to.
  3. In the Drawing pane, select the asset which the shape will represent.
    Selecting the asset the polyline shall be assigned to.

The polyline shape will now show the colors for the asset.