Find an Asset

You can search for an asset in the Simulation Client. This allows you to find an asset (or set of assets) you want to view or change the Status of.

To search for an asset in the Simulation Client, follow the steps below.
  1. In Designer, go to Home > Runtime and click Simulate.
  2. If prompted for a Workstation, select which one you want to Simulate Runtime for.
  3. Open the Simulation Client. If the Workstation running Simulation mode is on the local machine, use Otherwise, enter the IP address or host name of the Workstation.
  4. In the Systems pane, select the integrated System the asset is from.
  5. In the Assets pane, use the search bar to find the asset.
    You can search by the asset's:
    • ID
    • Caption
    • Logging Description
    • Maps
    • Status Table