Function Panel

The Function Panel item displays windows which are normally shown in pop-ups in Runtime. This includes asset commands and Interactive Workflows. When there is one Function Panel, all pop-ups are by default displayed there. If there are multiple, all pop-ups by default will appear in the first available one. You can configure which Function Panel each pop-up displays in.

To use a Function Panel in your Display Layout, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Project Explorer, double-click the Display Layout to edit. Alternatively, right-click to Add one.
  2. Drag and drop the Function Panel from the Toolbox into the work area.
    Important: Ensure your Function Panel is large enough to properly display all configured items.

If there is one function panel being displayed in Runtime, all pop-ups will be displayed there. If there are two or more, pop-ups will display in the first panel added to the project by default. Otherwise, they will display in the selected panel. This can be configured within individual Command Tables and Interactive Workflows.