Rainbow Gauge

The Rainbow Gauge displays a graphical representation of numerical data. The gauge appears more full or empty depending on where it's value is between the configured minimum and maximum values.

Add a Rainbow Gauge to a Display Layout

To add a Rainbow Gauge to your Display Layout, follow the below steps.

  1. In Project Explorer, expand Display Layouts. Double-click the Layout to edit, or right-click to Add a new one.
  2. Drag and drop the Rainbow Gauge item from the Toolbox to the desired location.
  3. The below properties may be configured or left at their default values.
    Property Description Default
    Min Value The minimum value which can be set with up to one decimal place. The lowest this can be set to is -999999. The highest is 999999. If a value it placed above the maximum or below the minimum allowed values, it will be replaced with the lowest or highest allowed value. 0
    Max Value The maximum value which can be set with up to one decimal place. The lowest this can be set to is -999999. The highest is 999999. If a value it placed above the maximum or below the minimum allowed values, it will be replaced with the lowest or highest allowed value. 100
    Foreground Color A color gradient for the colors representing the current numerical value. Green/yellow/red gradient
    Background Color A color gradient for the background of the gauge. Light grey
    Text Color The color of the text for the current value. Black
    Display Current Value Check this box to display the current numerical value. Checked
    Unit Type A string representing the unit of measurement for the value. %
Note: If the value of the bounds is changed and conflicts with another value, the conflicting value will be changed according to the most recently changed value. For example, if the max value is changed to -3 when the others are at 0, the min and current values will also be updated to -3 to resolve the conflict.

Once the Rainbow Gauge has been added, you must use Workflows to make changes to it's current numerical value.

Using the Rainbow Gauge in Workflows

To make changes to the Rainbow Gauge in Runtime, they must be done through a Workflow.

To use the Rainbow Gauge in a Workflow, follow the below steps.

  1. In Project Explorer, expand Workflows. Double-click a Workflow to edit it, or right-click Interactive or Background Workflows to Add a new one.
  2. Drag and drop an Action block into the work area, and connect it to it's previous and next blocks.
  3. Double-click the Action block to open the Action Browser.
  4. In the Objects pane, expand Display Layouts then the layout containing the Rainbow Gauge.
  5. Select the Rainbow Gauge. In the Commands pane, select one of the below commands to execute, and set it's parameter to the desired value.
    Command Parameters Description
    Set Current Value New Current Value — The numerical value to set the current value to. Sets the current value to a new one.
    Set Unit New Unit Text — The string value to set the unit text to. Updates the text for the Unit Type property.
  6. Click OK.