Set Workflow Display Style

Interactive Workflows can present steps for operators in different ways. For example, you may want to display some information to an operator prior to having them make a decision. You can have the Workflow display both the current and next step. This way they know they will need to make a decision based on the information displayed.

  1. In Project Explorer > Workflows double-click on the Workflow you wish to modify.
  2. In Properties > Workflow check the Popup checkbox to allow the Workflow to be displayed to the operator.
  3. In Properties > Workflow > Display Style open the drop-down menu and select one of three choices:
    Option Description Example
    Preview Next Step The operator will be presented the current step in the Workflow and be able to see the next step.
    See All Steps The operator will see all the steps in the Workflow.
    See Only Current Step The operator will only be presented with current step in the Workflow.
    Note: When there is a block that can have more than one possible exit path (such as a Decision or Logic block), the operator will not see past that block until it is executed.