Triggering Item

The Triggering Item is used in Workflows to determine what will Trigger its start. It is configured within the Start block.

To see information on Triggers specific to an Integrated System or Display Layout Item, view its linked documentation page.

Triggering items have two different versions to select from: the Initial and Current item. The Initial triggering item's properties contain the values which the item had at the time the Workflow was triggered. This is what will be used in most cases when referring to the triggering item. The Current item's properties contain the values which the item has at the current moment. This should only be used in instances when there is a delay in the Workflow execution, as the property value may change during the delay time. A delay can be caused by the timer block, or by a delayed user response to an Interactive Workflow block (such as the Display, File, or Decision blocks).


Alarm Postings Updated When an Alarm Posting has been updated.
Remote Nodes Alarm Postings Updated The Alarm Postings on another Workstation have been updated.

Trigger item properties:

  • Item IDThe unique identifier for this item.
  • Item TypeThe Type of item this is.
  • Name — The name of the updated alarm posting.
  • Current Alarm Count — The number of currently active alarms within the active alarm posting for the logged in user. If there is no user logged in, or Runtime is running as a service, this value will be zero.
  • Current Alarm Posting IDs — The IDs of the currently active alarm postings.
  • Current Alarm Posting Names — The names of the currently active alarm postings.
  • Unacknowledged Alarms Count — The number of currently unacknowledged alarms within the active alarm posting for the logged in user. If there is no user logged in, or Runtime is running as a service, this value will be zero.
  • Acknowledged Alarms Count — The number of currently acknowledged alarms within the active alarm posting for the logged in user. If there is no user logged in, or Runtime is running as a service, this value will be zero.
  • Masked Assets Count — The number of assets currently in a masked state within the active alarm posting for the logged in user. If there is no user logged in, or Runtime is running as a service, this value will be zero.
Important: For alarm trigger items, only the initial alarm state is available.

Display Layout

Started Runtime The Runtime application has started running.
Selected Assets Changed Assets have been Selected or deselected.

Trigger item properties:

  • Item IDThe unique identifier for this item.
  • Item TypeThe Type of item this is.
  • Name — The name of the Display Layout.
  • Last button pressed event — The last button which had been pressed on that Display Layout.
  • Selected asset Ids — The IDs of currently selected assets.


Publication Complete The Publication to a Workstation has been completed.
Idle Detected A logged in user has not taken any action for a period of time as configured in the Security Settings.
Active Detected A logged in user is currently active i.e., has taken action within a period of time as configured in the Security Settings.
Execution Started Execution of Runtime (either the application or as a service) has been started on this Workstation.

Trigger item properties:

  • Item IDThe unique identifier for this item.
  • Item TypeThe Type of item this is.
  • Name — The name of the environment Runtime is currently running on.
  • Current Workstation Name — The name of the Workstation the Runtime instance is running on.
  • Current Workstation ID — The ID of the Workstation the Runtime instance is currently running on.
  • Workstation Description — The configured description of the Workstation the Runtime instance is currently running on.
  • Current DateTime — The current date/time on the Workstation.
  • Day of Week — The current day of the week.
  • Month — The current month.
  • Day — The current day of the month.
  • Year — The current year.
  • Hour — The hour of the day.
  • Minute — The minute of the current hour.
  • Second — The second of the current minute.


View Language Changed The Language used for display in Runtime has changed.
Logging Language Changed The Language used to write to the logs has changed.

Trigger item properties:

  • Item IDThe unique identifier for this item.
  • Item TypeThe Type of item this is.
  • Name — The name of the item which triggered the Workflow.
  • Current Logging Language — The language currently being used for logging.
  • Current View Language — The language currently being used to display strings in Runtime.


AlarmCountUpdated The number of alarms on this Map has changed.
MapIsAvailableEvent The Map has been loaded and can be navigated to in Runtime.

Trigger item properties:

  • Item IDThe unique identifier for this item.
  • Item TypeThe Type of item this is.
  • Title — The title of the Map.
  • Caption — The navigation caption of the Map.
  • Background Image File Name — If the Map is using an image for the background, is the name of the image file used.
  • Background Color — The color of the Map background.
  • Background Image Stretch — The image stretch option being used for the background image.
  • VerticalAlignment — The vertical alignment of the background image.
  • HorizontalAlignment — The horizontal alignment of the background image.
  • Active Alarms — The number of alarms currently active on that Map.

User Security

Table 1. User Security
User Logged In A User has successfully Logged In.
User Logged Out A User has Logged Out.
Login Attempts Exceeded A user attempting to login has failed the maximum number of times allowed.

Trigger item properties:

  • Item IDThe unique identifier for this item.
  • Item TypeThe Type of item this is.
  • Name — The title of the triggering item.
  • Logged In — Whether there is a user currently logged in to Runtime.
  • Currently Logged In Users Name — The username for the currently logged in user.
  • Is Security Enabled — Whether or not security has been enabled on this project.

Workstation Management

Workstation Disabled Status Changed An enabled Workstation has been Disabled, or vice versa.

Trigger item properties:

  • Item IDThe unique identifier for this item.
  • Item TypeThe Type of item this is.
  • Name — The title of the triggering item.
  • Is Current Workstation Enabled — Whether the Runtime Workstation is currently enabled.
  • Is Current Workstation Disabled — Whether the Runtime Workstation is currently disabled.

Failover Management

Failover Status Changed The failover/connection status for a data server has changed.

Trigger item properties:

  • Item IDThe unique identifier for this item.
  • Item TypeThe Type of item this is.
  • Connection State — The current state of the connection from Runtime to the data server.
  • Name — The name of the trigger item for this Workflow.
  • Server Address — The configured address for the data server.
  • System ID — The unique identifier for the integrated system instance which the data server belongs to.
  • System Name — The name of the integrated system which the data server belongs to.

Workflow Scheduler

You can use the Workflow Scheduler to execute a Workflow at regular intervals. This can be for the following intervals:
  • Daily — Workflow is executed on the configured day interval in the Occurs Every X Days field.
  • Weekly — Workflow is executed on specified days of the week.
  • Monthly — Workflow is executed on specified days of the month.

Set the Activation Time for the time of day it will run.