Import/Export Workflow Assignments

Bulk updates can be made to Workflow assignment by importing and exporting the assignments to a CSV file. This includes the Workflow name, whether it is enabled, and which Workstations it is assigned to.

Export Workflow Assignments

Exporting the Workflow assignment saves the IDs, names, enabled state, and assigned Workstations for all Workflow in the project to a CSV file.

To export the Workflow assignments:

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click Workflows.
  2. Select Export.
  3. Save the CSV file.

Workflow assignments can be updated in the exported CSV.

Update Exported Workflow Assignments

Exported Workflow assignments can be changed for bulk updates, then imported into Designer.

To update the Workflow assignments:

  1. Open the exported Workflow assignments CSV file.
  2. Modify each column for the Workflows as required:
    • WorkflowId — This is the only column which should not be modified. This is the unique ID used to identify the Workflow in the project. If this is changed to one which does not match any Workflow in the project, its changes will not be imported.
    • WorkflowName — The name of the Workflow. This is the label which appears in the project explorer for the Workflow. Non-empty string values can be entered for this field.
    • Enabled — Whether this Workflow is enabled or not. Setting this to FALSE stops the Workflow from being executed in Runtime. This field accepts Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) values.
    • HmiNode-X — Each Workstation has its own column, labelled using the Workstation ID. This field accepts Boolean values. TRUE means the workflow is assigned to this Workstation, FALSE means it is not.
  3. Save your changes prior to importing the file into Designer.

Import Workflow Assignments

Exported and modified Workflow assignments can be imported back into Designer to add the changes to your project.

To import Workflow assignments into your project:

  1. In Project Explorer, right-click Workflows.
  2. Select Import.
  3. When prompted to save your project, click Yes.
  4. Select the CSV file containing your modifications, and click Open.
  5. A prompt appears noting the updates made to your Workflows. Click OK.
    Note: Upon importing, the changes made to the Workflow assignment is automatically saved.