Customize Navigation Item Alarm Count Bubble

The Navigation Item can have its alarm count bubble appearance customized.

To change the appearance of the alarm bubble:

  1. In Designer, open the Display Layout containing the Navigation Item to be customized.
  2. Select the Navigation Item.
  3. In the Properties pane, expand Button Settings.
  4. Check Alarm Counts Shown.
  5. In Alarm Count Settings, click Edit Settings...
  6. Configure the below settings to customize the appearance of the bubble. A preview is displayed to show how these settings will appear in Runtime.
    Background Color The background color for the alarm count bubble.
    Corner Radius How rounded the corners of the alarm bubble are. The higher the value, the rounder the corners.
    Font Name The name of the font used for the text.
    Font Size The size of the text.
    Is Bold Whether the text is bold (checked) or not (unchecked).
    Is Italic Whether the text is italicized (checked) or not (unchecked).
    Strikethrough Checking this option adds a strikethrough to the text.
    Text Color The color of the text. It is recommended to select a color which contrasts the Background Color to ensure visibility.
    Underlined Checking this option underlines the text.
    Height How tall the alarm bubble is in pixels.
    Width How wide the alarm bubble is in pixels. Note that the bubble does not automatically expand to accommodate large values. If it is likely that you will have a large volume of alarms on a map, it is recommended to keep this wide enough so the full number is visible. The sample count value can be used to preview the value.
    Sample Count Value Text to display in the alarm bubble preview. This value is not shown in Runtime.
  7. Click Save and Close.