Import/Export Camera Callups

Camera Callups can be created and updated using Import/Export. However, they cannot be deleted using this feature.

To update or create Camera Callups using Import/Export:

  1. In the Integrated System configuration, go to Advanced > Import/Export.
  2. From the drop-down, select Camera Callups.
  3. Click Export to generate a CSV with the callups in the system, or Generate Template to create a CSV with only the headers.
  4. Once the CSV is saved, open it.
  5. Update the below properties for the system's callups.
    ID The ID of the asset the callup is for.
    Collection.CameraAssetId The ID of the camera's feed to be called up.
    Collection.Preset The preset command to be sent to the camera when called up. This is optional.
    Collection.Loop Whether the video from when the callup occurred is played in a loop (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
  6. Once you are done updating your CSV file, save it.
  7. In Designer, click Import and select your updated CSV file.
  8. When prompted to proceed, click OK.