Callup Camera to Video Viewer

Workflows can call up camera feeds to Video Viewers. This can be triggered by an event such as an alarm or selecting an asset.

To create a camera callup to a Video Viewer:

  1. In Project Explorer, right-click Interactive or Background Workflows and click Add.
  2. Double-click the start block to set the trigger for this callup.
  3. Add an Action block to the Workflow.
  4. Double-click the Action block and expand Display Layout. Expand the layout containing the Video Viewer, then select the viewer.
  5. In the Commands pane, click Display Camera.
  6. In the Expression pane, click the Camera Asset link and select the camera to be displayed. Click OK.
  7. Click OK. Continue adding Action blocks with this command as needed.
  8. Ensure the last block is connected to the Stop block.

When this Workflow is triggered, the camera feeds will be displayed in their respective Video Viewers.