Line Color

The line color for shapes can be set in Designer and changed in Runtime using Workflows. This can be used to visually communicate information to the Runtime operator. The line color can be changed on these shapes: ellipse, line, polygon, polyline, and rectangle.

Setting Line Color in the Properties Grid

  1. In Project Explorer, select the Map or Display Layout containing the shape.
  2. Select the shape to update the Line Color on.
  3. In the Properties grid, open the color picker for the Line Color and select the color to be used.

Change Line Color for a Single Shape Using Workflows

To change the Line Color property of a shape, you will first require an Action block in your Workflow. Drag and drop one into the work area if required.

  1. Double-click the Action block to open the Action Browser.
  2. Navigate to the Map or Display Layout containing the shape.
  3. Expand the Map or Display Layout and select the shape.
  4. In the Commands pane, select Set Line Color.
  5. In the Expression pane, select Color to open the color picker.
  6. Select the color to be used, then click OK.
  7. Click OK again to set the command on the Action block.

Change Line Color for Multiple Shapes Using Workflows

To change the Line Color property of a shape, you will first require an Action block in your Workflow. Drag and drop one into the work area if required.

  1. Double-click the Action block to open the Action Browser.
  2. In the Objects pane, select Display Layout.
  3. In the Commands pane, select Set Drawing Objects Line Color.
  4. In the Expression pane, select Color to open the color picker.
  5. Select the color to be used, then click OK.
  6. In the Expression pane, select Shape IDs to choose the shapes being affected.
    1. For each shape, select it then click the > button, or click >> to select all shapes.
    2. Click OK.
  7. Click OK again to set the command on the Action block.