Camera Callups

Camera Callups are used to associate an asset with specific cameras. A Workflow can then get the cameras from the assets camera list and callup the camera onto a monitor or video viewer.

Note: In order to configure camera callups, there must be at least one camera asset in the project.

To configure Camera Callups for an asset, complete the steps below.

  1. In Project Explorer, double-click the Map containing the asset to configure.
  2. Select the asset to configure a Camera Callup for.
  3. In the Properties grid in the Camera Callups section, click the + icon to add a camera. Up to four cameras may be added. Expand each camera to configure its settings:
    Camera Select the camera to associate with this asset from the drop-down menu.
    Preset Optionally enter a preset position to move the camera to.
    Show Playback Loop Check this option to display a loop of the video clip from when this callup was triggered.
Note: When creating your Workflow for the camera callup, you can get the associated camera ID in the Logic Editor:
  1. Navigate to the asset containing the callups.
  2. Expand the asset.
  3. Expand Camera Callups.
  4. Select the camera from the list and Add the Camera Asset Id.