Report Controls

Controls can be added to a report to navigate within it, as well as to display information from its data source.

To add a control to the report, click the control in the list, then click and drag over the area you want to place it in.

The controls available for reports are listed below.

Pointer If you have selected another control, you can click this to deselect that option, and use your normal cursor again.
Label Contains a text string to be displayed.
Check Box A customizable checkbox which can be used to control the report based on whether or not it is checked.
Rich Text A text box which uses rich text formatting.
Picture Box Displays an image file.
Panel A panel is used to organize controls. Drag and drop the control into the panel to add it.
Table Displays data in a table format. This can be configured to pull data from parameters. This item can display multiple lines of data.
Line A line shape.
Shape A custom shape object. Once it has been added to the report, you can use the Shape property to change which shape it is.
Bar Code Displays a custom bar code.
Zip Code Displays a numerical value.
Chart Displays a custom chart.
Gauge Displays a gauge with a value. A minimum and maximum can be configured in the Properties grid.
Sparkline Displays a sparkline chart.
Pivot Grid Displays a custom pivot table.
Sub-Report Inserts another report into this report.
Table of Contents Display a table of contents for the report sections.
Page Info Displays specified information about the current page.
Page Break Break to the next page.
Cross-band Line A line which can be drawn over multiple bands.
Cross-band Box A box which can be drawn over multiple bands.