Button Background Image

The background image for a button can be configured in Designer, then changed later in Runtime using Workflows. This can be used to present visual information about that button to the user. For example, if you have a button that shows a green power button image when the light is turned on, and a red power button image when the light is turned off.

Setting the Background Image on the Properties Grid

  1. In Designer, navigate to the Map or Display Layout containing the button.
  2. Select the button.
  3. In the Properties, expand Background Image and select the Default ellipses to open the Resource Picker.
    1. Select the image from the list, or Import.
    2. Click OK.

Change Background Image for a Single Button Using Workflows

To change the Background Image property of a button, you will first require an Action block in your Workflow. Drag and drop one into the work area if required.

  1. Double-click the Action block to open the Action Browser.
  2. Navigate to the Map or Display Layout containing the button, then select the button.
  3. In the Commands pane, select Set Image.
  4. Select the image to be used from the list, or Import it. Click OK.
  5. Click OK again to set the command on the Action block.

Change Background Image for Multiple Buttons Using Workflows

To change the Background Image property of buttons, you will first require an Action block in your Workflow. Drag and drop one into the work area if required.

  1. Double-click the Action block to open the Action Browser.
  2. In the Objects pane, select Display Layout.
  3. In the Commands pane, select Set Buttons Image.
  4. In the Expression pane, select Image.
  5. Select the image to be used from the list, or Import it. Click OK.
  6. In the Expression pane, select Buttons to choose which buttons this applies to.
    1. For each button, select it then click the > button, or click >> to select all buttons.
    2. Click OK.
  7. Click OK again to set the command on the Action block.