Logic Editor

The Logic Editor allows for the configuration of logical expressions within Workflows.

The Logic Editor contains the below panes to configure your logical expression.


Objects are items which you can retrieve the Properties of. The types of Objects available are below. The Properties of these objects can be viewed here.

Integrated Systems Installed Integrated Systems and their assets.
Display Layouts The Display Layouts created and their associated Display Layout Items.
Navigation The currently displayed Map navigation information.
Display Layout The currently displayed Display Layout.
Language The Language being used in Runtime.
Environment The Runtime Environment. This includes information such as the current date and the name of the Workstation.
OPC An OPC system.
Logging Information about an action or event being logged.
Workstation Management Information about the Workstation running the Workflow.
Maps The Maps created and their associated Objects.
Sound Service Sounds being played in Runtime.
TriggeringItem The Object which triggered this Workflow.
Variables The variables which have been defined within the Start block.


The Properties pane contains selectable attributes of an Object, such as its Item ID or Name.


AND Items on both sides of this operator must evaluate to true for this to evaluate to true. Otherwise, false.
OR One of the items on either side of this operator must evaluate to true for this to evaluate to true. Otherwise, false.
NOT The item after this evaluates to its opposite. True becomes false, and vice versa.
< Less than.
> Greater than.
( Opening parentheses. Used to separate parts of the expression.
) Closing parentheses. Used to separate parts of the expression.
+ Add two values together.
- Subtract one value from another.
<= Less than or equal to.
>= Greater than or equal to.
<> Not equal.
= Equal.
* Multiply two values.
/ Divide the left value by the right value.


HasItem Check if a collection of String values contains a specific String.
GetAssetProperty Retrieve a specific property of an asset with a specific ID.
GetCollectionItemProperty Retrieve a specific property from an item within a collection.


Constants are static values that are set in the expression.

String A text value.
Integer A numerical value with no decimals.
Time A time in the HH:MM:SS format.
Date A date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.