Common Asset Triggers

Integrated systems have a set of triggers which are available to most assets. These are common between systems.

Trigger Description
Touched Asset has been touched in. This will still trigger if selection is disabled for the asset and it is clicked in Runtime.
Selected The asset has been selected.
Deselected An asset which has been previously selected, has been deselected.
Status Changed The asset status has changed.
Command Touched The button for an asset command has been clicked.
Command Executed An asset command has been executed.
Alarm Posting Changed If the asset was not assigned to the alarm posting for this asset, but now is (and vice versa).
Note: Tag assets for RTLS systems will not be available on startup as they are dynamically created during Runtime. If a tag enters a zone included in the posting, it will be added to the alarm posting as well. The tag will be removed once it is no longer in a zone included in the posting. If there is no active posting, all tags will be added to the posting as they are loaded into Runtime.