Set Workflow Triggers

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are triggered by particular events. Set the triggers for starting Workflows that must be acted on by an operator or operate in the background.

Triggers for workflows are set in the Workflow Properties panel.
  1. In Project Explorer > Workflows double-click on the workflow you wish to modify. The Properties panel will appear.
  2. In Properties > Workflow highlight Triggers and double-click the ellipsis (…) field to the right. The Triggers panel will open in your work area.
  3. Click Add at the bottom of the panel to see an expandable tree menu of your assets, maps, layouts and other features of your project. These are the Objects in your project that can trigger a Workflow when an Event listed to the right occurs.
  4. When an Object and a corresponding Event are selected, the Expression field on the bottom of the Trigger Browser will fill in.
  5. A workflow can be assigned more than one trigger. Click Add in the Trigger panel.
  6. Click OK.