Logic Block

The Logic block available in Workflows allows for two potential continuation paths. The paths are each dependent on what the expression entered into the Logic block evaluates to: true or false. The Workflow will then continue running, following the appropriate path.

The Logic block allows the Workflow to make a choice on what action to take, based on a logical expression. This can be something such as whether or not a particular user is currently logged in. If you are needing a block that does not just evaluate to true or false, or has more possible output paths, use Switch and Case blocks instead. To use the Logic block, follow the below steps.

  1. In Project Explorer, click the Workflow to edit, or right-click to Add a new one.
  2. Drag and drop the Logic block into the work area from the Toolbox.
  3. Connect the previous block and the blocks to be executed when the expression evaluates to true or false.
  4. Double-click the Logic block to open the Logic Editor.

    You can use the below items to create the expression.

    Objects The Objects you can check the Properties of. This can be items such as an asset, Workstation, item that triggered the Workflow, etc.
    Properties Information about the selected Object. The available Properties vary between Objects.
    Operations These are used to compare items in the expression.
    Functions There are two functions available:
    • HasItem — Check if a collection of items contains a specific item.
    • GetAssetProperty — Retrieve a property of a specific asset.
    Click the blue text links in the Expression to fill in the parameters of the functions.
    Constants Allows you to enter different types of static information.
    Expression A preview of the logical Expression.
  5. Once you have configured your logical expression, click OK.