Calculate Start and End Positions for Quuppa ILS Coordinate Systems

In the Quuppa ILS tag visuals settings is the configuration for the coordinate system mapping to location surfaces. In these settings is the start and stop X positions for the part of the coordinate system which is displayed within a location surface. These values are calculated based on their distance from the haircross position.

To calculate the X position for a coordinate system:

  1. In the Quuppa Planner Application, navigate to the coordinate system to be displayed, then its background image.
  2. Take note of where the haircross position is on the image, as this will act as the 0,0 origin point in the calculation.
  3. Place your mouse over the spot on the image you want the X position for. At the bottom of the screen the X,Y coordinates for the mouse position are shown. Note the value for X.
  4. Place the mouse on the leftmost position on the image and note the X value for the mouse position.
  5. Add the X values noted in steps 3 and 4.
  6. In your tag visual settings in Designer, use the value calculated in step 5 as your X position.