Configure an ExacqVision Monitor

The ExacqVision integrated system can be configured to send camera asset feeds to an ExacqVision monitor. It is recommended to use either Video Viewers on a Display Layout or VideoFusion to display camera feeds for simpler configuration, however the option to use an ExacqVision monitor is supported.

Configure ExacqVision Client to Display Video

Before video can be sent from a camera asset to the ExacqVision monitor, the client must be configured to allow video display.

To configure the ExacqVision Client to Display Video:

  1. In the ExacqVision Client, select the gear icon to open settings.
    Gear icon for ExacqVision settings
  2. From the navigation, click Add Systems and add your ExacqVision server. Check the Enabled checkbox.
    ExacqVision Navigation to Add Systems area
  3. From the navigation, click Client and open the Settings tab.
  4. In the Video Push section, check Enable Receiving Display.
  5. In the Display Name field, enter name for the machine, e.g. COMPUTER20.
  6. In the Additional Options section, set the total instance count for the number of panes you wish to display (e.g., 4 for a 2x2 setup).
  7. Click Launch New Instance.
    Note: The client instances will launch as COMPUTER20-1, COMPUTER20-2, etc.

Configure ExacqVision Monitor in Designer

To display the camera asset in an ExacqVision monitor, the project must be configured to send camera feeds to it.

To configure an ExacqVision monitor in your project:

  1. In Designer, go to Project Explorer > Integrated Systems, right-click Tyco ExacqVision and select Configure.
  2. Navigate to Monitor Configuration.
  3. Set the Identifier to your configured Display Name, e.g.,COMPUTER20.
  4. Set the Layout for the configured monitor instances (e.g., for 4, select 2x2).
  5. Ensure the Monitor Type is set to Native.