Change all AiRISTA Flow Zone IDs to be Unique

When using the zone caption to resolve tag locations in Vision connections, all zone IDs on the zone assets must be unique. Otherwise, you may experience issues with tags resolving to zones correctly.

Warning: It is not recommended to use these steps if you are using a UVS connection or if you are using the zone IDs to resolve tags to a zone.

To update all zone IDs in the AiRISTA Flow RTLS integrated system to be unique:

  1. In Project Explorer right-click the AiRISTA Flow RTLS integrated system and select Configure.
  2. Navigate to Advanced > Import/Export.
  3. In the drop-down, select Zone and click Export.
  4. Save the CSV file, then open it in Excel.
  5. In the CommunicationID column, set the first cell value to 1 and the second to 2, then highlight both cells.
    First and second cells highlighted
  6. Expand the highlighted cells to include all filled in cells below until all zones have been updated.
    Updating cell values
  7. Save the updated CSV file.
  8. In Designer, click Import and select the updated CSV file.
  9. When prompted to proceed with the changes, click OK, then OK again.