Import/Export AiRISTA Flow UVS Device Associations

The devices associated with a Zone asset can be imported and exported from the AiRISTA Flow UVS configuration.

To update your device associations using Import/Export:

  1. In Project Explorer, expand Integrated Systems.
  2. Right-click AiRISTA Flow UVS and select Configure.
  3. Go to Import/Export.
  4. From the drop-down, select Zone Device Association and click Export. Save the CSV file.
  5. Open the saved CSV file. You can update the associations by editing the fields below, as well as add or remove rows.
    Id The Id of the Zone asset associated with this device.
    MacAddress The MAC Address (physical address) of the device.
    MinRssi The minimum RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) of the device (range from -100-0).
    Priority The priority level assigned to the device (range from 1-5).
    Important: A Zone's devices will only be updated if there is a device associated with that Zone in the CSV file on import. Otherwise, they will remain the same.
  6. In the Import/Export configuration in Designer, click Import.
  7. Select your updated CSV file.
  8. When prompted to proceed with the changes, click Yes.

To see the changes made on your assets, be sure to close and re-open their Maps.