Configure a Locator in the Actall ATLAS RTLS Web Dashboard

Locators are used to determine the location of tags. These must be configured in the web dashboard in order to be used in zones, Designer, and Runtime.

To configure a locator:

  1. In the web dashboard navigation, click Locators.
  2. If the locator does not yet exist, click Create New. Otherwise, find it in the list and click Edit.
  3. Configure the locator settings:
    Given ID The ID for the physical locator.
    High RSSI Threshold The highest RSSI value to be received from a tag for it to resolve to this locator.
    Low RSSI Threshold The lowest RSSI value to be received from a tag for it to resolve to this locator.
    Supervision Interval How long the locator can go without reporting to the Actall server before a supervision alarm is triggered for it.
    Ignored Locator IDs Click Add+ and select a locator ID. When a tag is range of the selected locator as well, it will always resolve to this one.
  4. Click Create/Save.