View Actall Hubens Events

Live tag and locator events can be viewed in the web dashboard on the Events page. This displays the location of tags, movement events within a locator, and tag alarms.

Set Locator RSSI Thresholds

The RSSI values are used to determine the distance a tag can be from a locator before resolving to it. This is used to ensure that a tag can resolve to the intended locator if there is any overlap.

To set the RSSI values for a locator:

  1. On the Events page in the web dashboard, select the locator in the Locator drop-down you wish to update the RSSI values for.
    Selecting a locator to update the RSSI values
  2. In the Locator Information pane, configure the RSSI values:
    • Heigh RSSI Threshold — The highest RSSI value to be recieved from a tag for it to resolve to this locator.
    • Low RSSI Threshold — The lowest RSSI value to be recieved from a tag for it to resolve to this locator.
    Configuring the RSSI values
  3. Click Save.

Track Tag Location

In the Tag Tracker section, up to four Tag IDs can be specified to have their location tracked.

To track the location of a tag:

  1. In the Actall Hubsens Web Dashboard, open the Events tab.
  2. In the Tag Tracker pane, select a Tag ID from one of the drop-downs.
    Selecting a tag to track in the tag tracker

The tag displays the ID of the locator it is resolving to in real time.

View Locator Events

Events for tag movement between locators and tag test alarms can be viewed for one or all locators.

To view live locator event updates:

  1. In the Actall Hubsens Web Dashboard, open the Events tab.
  2. In the Locator drop-down, select either a specific locator ID to view its events, or select All to see events for all locators.
    Selecting a locator to view live events for
  3. To remove locator events from view, click the Clear button.
    Clear button on the Live Events page