AppArmor Alert

The AppArmor Alert integrated system provides CAP compliant digital mass notifications.


Application Programmable Interface (API) — A set of functions and procedures that access the features or data of the AppArmor Alert service.


See the Data Servers page for information on configuring driver communication.


The AppArmor Alert integrated system is compatible with the Cloud Hosted API Endpoint.


Software Minimum Version
.NET Framework 4.7.2

When completing your setup, be sure to have the AppArmor Alert documentation available for reference.


These ports must be open in your network firewall for the integration to work.

Purpose Default Value Configurable
Dataserver 9590 Yes
Debug Tools 9591 No

Communication Configuration

In the integrated system configuration panel, you will find the Communication Settings. The below information is required.

API Key Represents the API Key for the AppArmor app to receive the notification.
Polling Interval (sec) The time in seconds between monitoring the state of the AppArmor server.
Note: Red X indicates an invalid or out of range value given for field.


App Armor State

This asset represents the State of the AppArmor system.

View all properties

Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
AppArmor Driver Unavailable The asset can not connect to the AppArmor Driver.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Workflow Integration

System Commands

System commands are commands executed through Workflows at the system level. For more information about Workflows, see the Workflows section.

Send Notification

Sends a mass Notification through the AppArmor custom mobile safety apps.

Table 1. Parameters
Title Title of the notification. This can contain a maximum of 35 characters.
Message The Message body. It may contain fully qualified URLs. This can contain a maximum of 120 characters.
Channel The API endpoint.

System Events

System events are events used to trigger Workflow actions at the system level. For more information about Workflows, see the Workflows section.

System State Changed

The State of the AppArmor Alert System has changed.


Logs from the driver and Runtime can be viewed in the Debug Tools client. These messages contain information which can provide further context for issues during initialization, or while actively running. This can help diagnose problems.